My Story…

The Beginning
I came from a working-class council house background with very little money but had something special that money could never buy, a very loving and supporting family.
I developed an entrepreneurial and business mindset at the age of 13 when I wanted a lime green racing bike. My parents told me if I saved half the money, they’d give me the rest. They didn’t need to. I got a job doing an early morning paper round and worked on a market stall three times a week and bought it myself. This taught me some very important things, life is what you make it, and you can get whatever you want with the right mindset if you believe you can do it.
The Start of my Fitness Journey
Major Life Milestone: Turned 21 and my first ever gym workout, which was to become the solid foundation on which I built my entire life and business.150 dive bomber press ups then stand on one leg and deliver 100 roundhouse kicks without dropping your leg, easy when you decide you want to do it!
This where I developed and built my mental resilience, my kick ass mindset which carried over into every aspect of my life…MINDSET is everything, what you believe, you will achieve!
Professional Life and my First Big Mistake
I became a freelance graphics designer at age 21 and bought my first Ferrari at 23.
Having become the studio manager for large well known advertising agency in London, I excelled in business, learning quickly that my natural empathy and rapport building skills made me a great leader.
This was my first BIG mistake: I believed that they cared. I believed that they had my best interests at heart. I bought into the corporate world, the pressure, the egos, the overwhelm, being under appreciated, under paid and unrewarded for my efforts, all for the greater good of the company!
Allied with the tools, techniques, and strategies I picked up on during my daily workouts, I learned how powerful the mind truly is. I realised the value in pushing through daily physical challenges and surpassing what I physically thought I was capable of. This alone made a huge difference to my mindset and stress levels in the business world.
After building up others’ business and working for 20 years, I learned at an early age (40) how cutthroat the business world can be. I was horribly betrayed by the people I trusted the most in my business life. I believed their lies for a full year before I realised the terrible psychological and emotional damage they were inflicting on me. Finally I realised I was fighting a bitter battle I could never win.
My Second Big Mistake
I let others take away my power, something I will NEVER do again!
I licked my wounds for six months, set up my own business in Carnaby Street, but it was not to be! My business partner come financial director turned out to be a crook and my wife of 20 years also decided in her infinite wisdom she didn’t want to be married anymore. Life had gone horribly wrong and I’m not ashamed to admit that I crashed and burned big time!
So much so, I suffered terribly from general anxiety disorder (GAD) and clinical depression.
It was time to take charge of my own LIFE and destiny!
This was where my daily workouts and healthy eating habits really came into play and served me well!
Reinventing Myself
After a period of recovery (you cannot allow life to beat you) I reinvented myself as a Kickboxing Instructor, Personal Trainer, and Nutritionist, and before I knew it gained an exclusive client base around Kensington, Chelsea, Mayfair, Knightsbridge and Holland Park.
This is where my previous lifetime experience, values, and beliefs came into their own and I was in my element, my true power.
I found myself being asked for my advice on everything, from exercise, nutrition, mindset, self-confidence, self-esteem, and emotional wellbeing. I was loving every minute of it.
As word spread, I also did a lot of corporate workshops for companies such as Astra Zeneca, Diageo, BP, BAE System, Anglo American, and many London Advertising Agencies, which helped to develop and hone my skillset even further.
I’ve appeared on BBC TV, Sky News, The Chrissy B TV Show, had my own radio show with Shoreditch radio, appeared in the London Evening Standard, and was a wellbeing Ambassador for Sopexa International.
Present Day
My life’s mission has been to empower people physically, mentally, & emotionally, and through that journey have made great milestones in my life.
Today I love giving people the confidence to believe in themselves and to have total faith in their own abilities.
I work online, one to one and with corporates too, offering workshops and training on Confidence Building, Body Language, Work/Life/Balance, Stress Management, Healthy Eating & Lifestyle. I gift people the tools, techniques, and strategies they need to take control of their own lives, because that’s where your truth lies.
Things for you to consider…
- Always believe in yourself
- Have faith in your own abilities
- Develop and project invincible confidence
- Always have a dream
- And finally…. Never, ever, let go of your dream, or the pursuance of it!
If I can help with your own unique journey, please contact me to discuss.
With Love,